Pine Lake
Yukon swimming apparel: swimsuit and hat
As we leave Whitehorse, the grey sky opens up and the sun enters the bus and warms me up. Gophers dart everywhere on the road; one makes a nearly suicidal u-turn just in front of us. Then, a young brown bear crosses nonchalantly, swaying his hips like a sassy teenager. After a little more than an hour of driving on the Alaska highway the mountains of Haines Junction appear in front of us.
The campground is almost full, but a guy from Bend, OR, that traveled on his motorbike all the way to Prudoe Bay, shares his site with us since he’ll be back on the road early the next morning. Friends are waiting for us and we all settle around the fire, with port and dark chocolate as the sun slowly goes down over the mountains by Pine Lake.
On the days to come, there are Happy Hours around the fire (with Ludo's killer Gin and Tonic!), freshy caught pike cooked in aluminum foil and eaten with our fingers, lots of laughter and great talks, canoe outings at 9:30 pm and ferral kids with charcoal face paint having a blast (as long as there's a dog with them!) that we try to put to bed before 11 pm... This is why the Yukon just does not compare to anything else...