A visit to the Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Meet JB, a female moose who was rescued when she was only a few days old. Read her story here.
Since she has been bottle fed since her rescue, JB is very interested in humans.
Sweet mule deer.
Megan being a moose!
Mountain goat having her breakfast
Mr. Caribou and the salt lick
Thinhorn sheep
On the last day of Adventure Camp, we were supposed to go canoeing and kayaking on Chadburn Lake, but since the weather was already fall-like and grey, we decided to bring the group to the Yukon Wildlife Preserve and nearby Takhini Hot Springs.
It was great to be there early in the morning for feeding time, since most of the animals were very close and awake. We also got very luck to see many babies! The 3 arctic fox babies stole the show!
The Yukon Wildlife Preserve Operating Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining the over 700 acre preserve and its animals for the education and enjoyment of all.