Rock climbing in Joshua Tree National Park
Can you see JF up there on the rock? This was our climbing spot on day 1 at Indian Cove. Just awesome!
Rock climbing crash course for our friends!
Teddy Bear Cholla Cacti (that's their real name!): Don't try to cuddle with them!
Oasis of Mara: The Serrano, the first recorded tribe living here, called this place Mar-rah, meaning "little springs and much grass"
The Oasis of Mara is the green space where you can see fan palms.
Joshua Tree National Park had been on our bucket list for years and we were so excited to be there and finally see the unique Joshua trees (that pretty much grow only in this area) and rock climb at this famous spot. The first day we headed to Indian Cove campground where you can rock climb from your campsite! We brought our friends rock climbing for their first time and they are hooked!
We saw creosote trees, yucca, ocotillo, green-barked palo verde, jumping (or teddy bear) cholla cacti, hedgehog cactus, chuparosa: I love the desert and the name of its plants!